
Welcome to the Center for Employment Justice.

For far too long the power balance between employer and employee has favored corporations, agencies and government institutions. Those who have suffered unfair treatment in the workplace recognize that seeking justice is next to impossible because the system is stacked against them. Prohibitive costs, opaque regulations and having to relive traumatic experiences are barriers that most people just can’t afford to face. For their part, employers large and small know that this and count on being able to get away with treating employees unfairly because year after year, the people whose incomes they have compromised and careers have damage simply walk away.

 It is high time that we redress this balance. CEJ was formed so that its clients could confront their employers with wrongdoing and insist on obtaining a constructive and fair resolution. 

Justice is at the heart of everything we do at CEJ.  We begin by acknowledging that the role of counsel is not just to give good advice, or get quick settlements, but to zealously pursue the vindication of human rights and basic dignity. CEJ takes a dynamic and flexible approach to representing its clients so that costs are no longer a barrier to seeking justice. We know your rights, even if you don’t. We also know that engaged and determined representation greatly increases your chances of a positive outcome when confronting a current or former employer. We believe that every time a person speaks up and fights back to remedy unfairness, they make things better for others, they improve our workplaces, country and justice system.  

We are aware of all the tactics used by employers to try and dissuade our clients from seeking the justice they deserve. From delay tactics to unreasonable requests and specious requirements. CEJ knows and understands the games they play. Armed with this knowledge, and an unmatched understanding of employment and civil rights law, CEJ knows exactly how to deal with this behavior, and, instead, turns the tables on the We recognize that timeliness is critical to justice, so we strategize to move cases along as quickly as possible, and to be aggressive in using all facets available to obtain a positive outcome for our clients. Our clients benefit from fearless and relentless advocacy on their behalf, be it in the courts, or the court of public opinion.  For far too many people, the workplace is a battleground, something to be endured, rather than somewhere to flourish.  And when those battles are unlawfully motivated and leave deep scars and cause harm, it is the mission of CEJ to obtain a remedy that makes our clients whole, and to do so in a way that educates and improves the employer in the process.  At CEJ we change outcomes, careers, futures, lives and the law itself, to make it fit the realities of today’s workforce and the inherent value of its workers.